понедельник, 31 июля 2017 г.
Thornton May: 3 questions every CIO must answer
The most important strategic question that organizations can ask themselves is "What business are we in?" according to the formulation of revered Harvard Business Review editor Ted Levitt. Lacking the succinctness of the late professor, I see three strategic questions that successful next-generation CIOs must answer.
What business is IT in today?
Over the past two months, I asked this of hundreds of CIOs in facilitated workshops on three continents. In freewheeling discussions, CIOs often opined that "IT is in every business." This "bits are everywhere" idea reflects a prevalent macro trend in which all things are being digitized. That thought also contributed to a frequently heard lament: "We are in the always-behind business." That many IT executives feel this way is a byproduct of another macro trend: the ever-accelerating pace of change and users' lack of patience. That source of frustration naturally led to just about every CIO I spoke with wanting to get out of the "do more with less" business.
But does any of this top-of-mind venting answer the actual question? To better determine what business IT is in today, we added more granularity to the question, asking where IT is actually spending its time and resources. From that, we got this interesting Global 2000 result: 61% of the respondents said that they are in a combination of the "infrastructure business" (that is, keeping the lights on) and the "integration business" (gluing together various stovepipe legacy systems so they can interoperate on a semi-non-toxic basis).
What business should IT be in tomorrow?
You'd be hard pressed, though, to find anyone who believes that infrastructure and integration should be IT's sole focus in the future. What I see is a consensus that IT will play a more significant role in the future. Kevin Turner, Microsoft's chief operating officer, nails the zeitgeist by portraying the CIO evolutionary path as moving from technology piece-part management, through transforming the IT environment, to enabling business excellence, and finally coming to rest at "strategic business leadership."
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четверг, 13 июля 2017 г.
Are we giving up on mobile payments already?
A credit card is basically a slab of plastic with a strip of VHS tape glued to the back. That magnetic tape holds a few numbers and letters which identify the bank, the account, the user and other minor data. Plus, everything an unauthorized user needs to buy things with your credit card is easily readable on the front and back of the card.
Google's Wallet
Credit cards are incredibly low- and dumb-tech, easily "hacked" and easily copied, lost or stolen. When the card is compromised, the user has to call, wait on hold, then after a painful conversation of verification with a call center worker, has to wait days or weeks for a replacement card to arrive.
Each account has its own card. So if you have 10 accounts, you have 10 cards, forcing you to carry around a George wallet.
Meanwhile, the smartphones everyone carries around are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers of the 1990s.
So why aren't we using smartphones to convey those numbers and letters stored on the magnetic tape of our credit cards?
The reason for us all to miss this enormously beneficial opportunity is as dumb as the credit card and as old as the industrial revolution: The industry won't agree on standards.
As a result, the previously slow momentum toward mobile payments and digital wallets is becoming slower still, and in its place, companies are creating better credit cards.
Why credit cards? Because everyone agrees on the interface: the stores, the banks, the users -- everybody.
The trouble with mobile payments
A huge number of companies are involved in turning smartphones into credit card killers: Dwolla, LevelUp, PayPal, Google, Square, Apple, Facebook, Lemon, Isis, Venmo, Bump Labs, Groupon, Zipmark and others.
Mobile carriers and credit card companies are involved, too. In fact, many of these players are carving out standards and alliances that prevent any mobile payments system from being usable by all consumers at all stores.
QR codes are slowly being replaced by NFC (near field communications) as a way for phones to communicate with point-of-sale systems. Yet today, only a tiny fraction of mobile payments are conducted via NFC. Apple has rejected the technology completely, claiming security concerns.
So if you embrace a mobile payments solution and try to pay with things with your phone, most stores won't accept it.
For consumers, the whole mobile payments scene is a confusing mess. So they're sticking with credit cards.
And that's why credit cards and credit-card like devices are experiencing a renaissance.
San Francisco-based startup Coin is creating a new crowd-funded product and service called Coin. In a nutshell, Coin is a simulated credit card. It's a storage device like a credit card is, except it can hold the data for several credit and debit cards.
Like a regular credit card, the Coin card will have your signature and name on it. And it can be swiped and used like a conventional credit card. But that's where the similarity ends.
You use a mobile app to load credit card information from your other cards, or use an included device for swiping your cards to duplicate their data into the Coin card.
It can be preordered for $50, but it will eventually cost $100 per card when it ships next summer, according to the company.
Are we giving up on mobile payments already?
A credit card is basically a slab of plastic with a strip of VHS tape glued to the back. That magnetic tape holds a few numbers and letters which identify the bank, the account, the user and other minor data. Plus, everything an unauthorized user needs to buy things with your credit card is easily readable on the front and back of the card.
Google's Wallet
Credit cards are incredibly low- and dumb-tech, easily "hacked" and easily copied, lost or stolen. When the card is compromised, the user has to call, wait on hold, then after a painful conversation of verification with a call center worker, has to wait days or weeks for a replacement card to arrive.
Each account has its own card. So if you have 10 accounts, you have 10 cards, forcing you to carry around a George wallet.
Meanwhile, the smartphones everyone carries around are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers of the 1990s.
So why aren't we using smartphones to convey those numbers and letters stored on the magnetic tape of our credit cards?
The reason for us all to miss this enormously beneficial opportunity is as dumb as the credit card and as old as the industrial revolution: The industry won't agree on standards.
As a result, the previously slow momentum toward mobile payments and digital wallets is becoming slower still, and in its place, companies are creating better credit cards.
Why credit cards? Because everyone agrees on the interface: the stores, the banks, the users -- everybody.
The trouble with mobile payments
A huge number of companies are involved in turning smartphones into credit card killers: Dwolla, LevelUp, PayPal, Google, Square, Apple, Facebook, Lemon, Isis, Venmo, Bump Labs, Groupon, Zipmark and others.
Mobile carriers and credit card companies are involved, too. In fact, many of these players are carving out standards and alliances that prevent any mobile payments system from being usable by all consumers at all stores.
QR codes are slowly being replaced by NFC (near field communications) as a way for phones to communicate with point-of-sale systems. Yet today, only a tiny fraction of mobile payments are conducted via NFC. Apple has rejected the technology completely, claiming security concerns.
So if you embrace a mobile payments solution and try to pay with things with your phone, most stores won't accept it.
For consumers, the whole mobile payments scene is a confusing mess. So they're sticking with credit cards.
And that's why credit cards and credit-card like devices are experiencing a renaissance.
San Francisco-based startup Coin is creating a new crowd-funded product and service called Coin. In a nutshell, Coin is a simulated credit card. It's a storage device like a credit card is, except it can hold the data for several credit and debit cards.
Like a regular credit card, the Coin card will have your signature and name on it. And it can be swiped and used like a conventional credit card. But that's where the similarity ends.
You use a mobile app to load credit card information from your other cards, or use an included device for swiping your cards to duplicate their data into the Coin card.
It can be preordered for $50, but it will eventually cost $100 per card when it ships next summer, according to the company.
пятница, 24 марта 2017 г.
Paul Glen: The secret to keeping processes vital
Processes seem to come and go. Too often, though, they wither away from disuse when they still have value. How can we ensure that our staffs remain engaged with worthwhile processes?
Consider the life cycle of the typical process. It usually is created
as a response to some organizational trauma, like a major project failure. For a while, everyone embraces it, testing, tweaking, celebrating successes and mitigating inconveniences. But eventually, enthusiasm wanes. Urgent needs come up, and people decide that, just this once, a shortcut is justified. The decay begins. Before you know it, the process is forgotten, a new trauma occurs, and the cycle starts again.
Each time it happens, we feel terrible. But when we better understand why we let this happen -- how much human nature has to do with it -- we can interrupt the cycle.
Human motivation isn't all that mysterious. We tend to focus our attention on what feels good. And for us as geeks, solving problems feels really good. We love to roll up our sleeves and analyze problems, and we glory in the thrill of solving them. So a new process feels good because we're solving a problem: "Why did the project fail, and what can we do about it?" As long as the problem seems present, gnarly and intractable, we enjoy following the process. But once a problem has been solved, it's not so interesting to us anymore.
Eventually, we follow the process because we are obliged to. We start to think of it as rules to follow rather than a solution to our problems. Our inner schoolchild starts to rebel. Some of us might start to unconsciously solve a new problem: "What is the minimum process that I can follow and still deliver an acceptable outcome?" Others get caught up in the more immediate rewards of short-term problem-solving. Solving an urgent problem is more rewarding than following a process because the joy of its solution comes immediately. When following a process feels bad and avoiding it feels good, it's no wonder things unravel quickly.
If you want to keep off the process merry-go-round, you'll need to fundamentally change how you as a leader think and feel about the rewards of following processes. You've got to give the team something lasting to care about. The key to that is at the very beginning of developing a process. In short, create processes that achieve a vision, not ones that just solve a problem.
A process has to speak to something bigger than the last problem you encountered, so that adherence to it lasts longer than the removal of symptoms. The joys of achieving a vision are somewhat different from those of solving a problem. Problems give way to forgetfulness when their noxious symptoms have been removed. A vision is more long lasting.
You might liken it to marriage. Most people get married not to solve a problem but in pursuit of a vision of sharing a life together, perhaps starting a family. If you get married to solve a problem rather than to pursue a vision -- because it's the easiest way to obtain wealth, say, or because you want your child to have married parents, or because your visa is about to expire and you don't want to leave the country -- the chances are the marriage won't last. The same is true of processes.заговор с красной нитью
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среда, 1 марта 2017 г.
Paul Glen: When you've had it with a stakeholder
Every so often I find myself at my wit's end with a project stakeholder and just want to give up and stop trying to help him. The frustration of these situations takes a toll. Even now, years later, I get upset thinking about one particular client. Chances are, if you've been in IT for any length of time, you know what I'm talking about.
But what should you do when you reach that point? Pitching a fit is rarely productive. Suppressing your outrage won't make things better either.
What about walking away? We usually don't think of this as a realistic option. It's more of a fantasy. "Take this project and shove it!" But sometimes you need to take a stand about the conditions under which you are willing to work -- and be read to hit the road if those conditions aren't met.
Walking out should be rare, though. What do you do when the situation doesn't reach that threshold?
Oftentimes, you just have to live with whatever it is you don't like. That may be the case in situations like these:
You just don't like the client. Personality clashes happen all the time, and you don't get to choose to work only with your favorite people.
She makes unreasonable demands or doesn't know what she wants. Stakeholders usually don't know that their requests are unreasonable. We need to help them see that and figure out what they really need.
The client is not appreciative. It would be nice if all clients explicitly recognized and appreciated all that IT does for them, but it's not required.
You have to handle other situations more forcefully. The common element in the following scenarios is that continuing to work under these conditions usually results in project failure and damages the morale and operations of your team.
The stakeholder demands that you do his job for him. Every so often, it's normal for a stakeholder to lose sight of an appropriate boundary, and a gentle reminder is all that's required. But some people belligerently and persistently insist that anything with a keyboard belongs to IT.
She's too disengaged. Assess what you really need from the stakeholder to make it possible for you to help; if she's unwilling or unable to provide it, back off until she can.
Multiple stakeholders can't agree. If they refuse to accept a common approach, let them work out the politics. Picking sides won't help you or the project.
The client exhibits toxic behavior. When a stakeholder is so toxic that his behavior destroys the morale and productivity of your whole team, you need to protect the team.
When you decide that you need to take a stand, be clear and calm with your sponsor. You need to:
* Be explicit about what you will and won't be able to do and why.
* Clarify the conditions under which you are able to continue working together.как убрать круги под глазами быстро
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понедельник, 27 февраля 2017 г.
Amazon announces new Kindle Fire HD tablets with LTE
Amazon on Thursday heated up the tablet competition with the introduction of new Kindle Fire HD tablets, including a model with LTE capabilities and another model with an 8.9-inch screen that can display images at a resolution of 1920 by 1200 pixels.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos displays the new Kindle Fire tablet at a presentation in Santa Monica, Calif. (Photo by Martyn Williams/IDG News Service)
The Kindle Fire HD will also be available in a 7-inch model. The tablets will have storage starting at 16GB, said Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, during an event in Santa Monica, Calif.
The 8.9-inch Kindle HD tablet will be priced at $299 for 16GB of storage and will be available on Nov. 20. The 7-inch Kindle Fire HD model will be priced at $199 and ship on Sept. 14.
The Kindle Fire HD 4G LTE wireless with 32GB of storage will be available for $499, and also ship on Nov. 20. A $49.99 annual data plan provides 250MB of data transfers per month and 20GB of storage in the cloud. The company did not clarify the screen size of the Kindle Fire HD LTE model.
The new Kindle Fire HD devices bring new features, including a larger screen, more storage and mobile broadband capabilities, compared to the original Kindle Fire, which was announced in September last year with a 7-inch screen. The new devices have a faster processor and a front-facing camera, which was not available in the original Kindle Fire.
The 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HD is 8.8 millimeters thick and will weigh 566 grams. It runs on a Texas Instruments OMAP4470 dual-core ARM processor, which is based on the Cortex-A9 design. The device operates on a dual Wi-Fi range, giving it faster wireless networking than Google's Nexus 7 tablet, according to Bezos.
The new devices also have a HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface) port so the tablets can be connected to high-definition TV sets.
The Kindle Fire tablets now have Microsoft Exchange integration. A new email client offers support for Google's Gmail, Microsoft's Exchange and Hotmail.как убрать синяки под глазами за короткое время
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Review: Intel's new 'Cherryville' SSD 520 drive
Intel Monday started shipping its fastest solid-state drive (SSD), the first to use the SandForce (now LSI) SFI-2281 NAND flash controller, which promises 500MB/sec-plus performance.
"We believe high-RPM hard drives are dead," said Troy Winslow, director of product marketing at Intel's Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group. "We believe both 10,000 and 15,000 rpm hard drives ... will be replaced with an SSD in the future."
He noted that "100% of Intel employees -- 85,000 people -- have SSDs in their systems."
Don't be shocked. The price of consumer-class SSDs is expected to drop to $1 per gigabyte this year. Client-class SSDs are hovering around $2.25 to $2.50/GB.
While that's still about 10 times the cost of high-capacity SATA desktop or laptop hard disk drives, it's only two to five times the price of a 15,000 rpm Fibre Channel or SAS drive. Considering that an SSD can offer more than 100 times the performance of a hard drive, which one would you pick?
The specs
True to its controller, the 520 Series SSD, code-named 'Cherryville,' offers impressive performance in terms of read/writes and I/Os per second (IOPS) when using a system with a SATA 3.0 6Gbit/sec interface, Intel says. The drive can deliver up to 80,000 4K-block random write IOPS and up to 50,000 4K random read IOPS. With regard to sequential read/writes, it offers up to 550MB/sec and 520MB/sec, respectively -- according to Intel's specification sheet.
The read/write speeds drop significantly when used on the SATA 2.0 3Gbps interface that most PCs and laptops sport today because it creates a bottleneck. On a SATA 2.0 interface, the 520 Series offers a maximum 280MB/sec sequential read rate and 280MB/sec sequential write rate.
Intel's "Cherryville" 520 Series SSD
The 520 Series SSD is significantly faster than its predecessor, the 510 Series SSD, particularly with regard to writes; both drives support the SATA 3.0 6Gbit/sec interface that's becoming standard in new systems.
Intel's predecessor -- the 510 series drive -- used a controller from Marvell. That drive sported sequential read/write performance of up to 500MB/sec and 315MB/sec, respectively, and random read/write IOPS of 20,000 and 8,000, respectively.бруталин где купить в казахстане
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вторник, 14 февраля 2017 г.
In-depth: Google's Ice Cream Sandwich
Google's Android 4.0 operating system is more than just another upgrade.
Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, marks the start of a new era for Google's mobile platform. The release ushers in the biggest changes the software has seen since the launch of Froyo in 2010 -- maybe even Eclair back in 2009. Nearly every facet of the OS has been made over, and the very core of the Android user experience has been completely reimagined.
The more you use Ice Cream Sandwich, the more you realize just how radical a change it represents.
(Note: For the purposes of this review, I'm focusing on the smartphone side of Ice Cream Sandwich. At the time of this publication, the software had not yet been made available on any tablets.)
Getting to know Ice Cream Sandwich
The first thing you notice when you start using Ice Cream Sandwich is that Android suddenly seems a lot more friendly. While the OS has always been powerful and versatile, simple human relations weren't exactly its strong suit.
Want to see more Ice Cream Sandwich?
Check out our Image Gallery for 20 Ice Cream Sandwich pix.
Now, powering up an Android 4.0 device (in my case, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which I've been testing for several days) is like running into an old college buddy who's evolved into a slick professional. He has the same smarts, the same heart and soul you've always appreciated, but now he really has his act together -- and he's dressing better, to boot.
At a glance, Ice Cream Sandwich seems similar to the Android of years past. You have five home screen panels that hold any combination of app shortcuts, folders and live functioning widgets. Each is made up of an invisible grid that, like previous phone-based versions of Android, can support as many as 16 shortcuts (four across and four down). But beneath that basic shell, ICS is a whole new game.препарат ловелас для женщин
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суббота, 11 февраля 2017 г.
10 file-sharing options: Dropbox, Google Drive and more
Remember the first time you tried to send a 4GB video file as an email attachment? Anybody who has tried to share a large file with a friend or colleague understands all too well to the problems that are involved. Email attachments can get rejected, especially if you don't know what the upper limit on a file size is for sender or recipient. Uploads and downloads can be arbitrarily slow. And the clunkiness of the whole process makes it hard to get real work done.
In the bad old days, if you wanted to distribute files that were too hefty for your email to handle, you had few choices. You could buy some web-hosting space and use that to distribute files on the fly to your co-workers and collaborators, you could burn a disc or copy the file to a USB drive and drop that in an envelope, or you could use that fabled legacy transport protocol, Sneakernet. Nowadays, however, there's a bevy of free services that offer tons of storage and bandwidth.
In this piece, I examine 10 file-hosting services that can be used to distribute files to an audience via links or email. Four are dedicated to sending and hosting large files in a corporate context (MediaFire, RapidShare, ShareFile and YouSendIt), while the other six (Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Minus, SkyDrive and SugarSync) are more general, personal-use file-storage services that have mass distribution as an adjunct feature.
All of the services in question allow download links to be generated from uploaded files, which makes it easy to distribute them to a mailing list or other group. That said, they've all got a different mix of storage capacities, helper apps and quirks.
To check file transfer times for each service, I uploaded a 100MB ZIP file that contained a mixture of PDF documents, JPG images and TIFF images, using a connection with an average 2 megabit/second upload speed.
In the following descriptions, I deal mainly with the file-sharing features of each service. Computerworld has reviewed a few of these services separately, looking at their other tools more thoroughly; in that case, we've provided a link to the review.перуанская мака купить киев
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четверг, 19 января 2017 г.
In-depth: Google's Chrome OS and Samsung's Chromebook
Could you ditch your computer operating system and live entirely in your browser? That's the question Google is asking with its new Chrome OS Chromebooks -- and it isn't an easy one to answer.
Google's Chrome OS revolves around the idea of a cloud-centric existence. Every application you need runs on the Web, whether it's a productivity tool like Google Docs or a game like Angry Birds. Your documents, files and email are all stored online in services like Google Docs, Dropbox and Gmail. The PC itself becomes a mere vessel to your virtual life; you could smash it and replace it with a new one and you wouldn't notice a difference.
Google gave us a glimpse at the Chrome OS concept with its Cr-48 notebook, a test system sent out to a limited group of beta users last year. The hardware on the new commercial Chromebooks has been significantly improved since that system, and Chrome OS itself has evolved considerably, too.
Now, Google's first Chromebook -- made by Samsung -- is available today. (A second, made by Acer, was supposed to ship today as well, but has been delayed.) Is a Chromebook right for you? Here's a detailed look at Samsung's new Chromebook computer and the kind of experience the Chrome OS provides.
Samsung Chromebook: Hardware and design
Google's Chromebooks are available in two basic models: the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook and the Acer Chromebook. Both come in two versions: Wi-Fi only, or Wi-Fi with 3G. I was able to test the 3G model of the Samsung Chromebook.
The Samsung Chromebook features a 12.1-in. 1280 x 800 display. The screen is bright and easy to read; its matte finish is a pleasant change from the glossy screens on most notebooks these days, particularly in outside or otherwise glary conditions.
At 3.26 lb., the Samsung Chromebook is slightly lighter than the Cr-48 test system that came before it -- that notebook weighed in at 3.8 lb. In terms of design, however, we're looking at a night-and-day difference. Whereas the Cr-48 had a minimalistic and angular matte black exterior, the Samsung Chromebook has a smooth and glossy top with rounded edges and a colorful Chrome logo. The system is available in either an "Arctic White" or a "Titan Silver" finish. Both options are classy and sleek.
The left side of the Samsung Chromebook has a 3.5mm headphone jack along with a USB port and a mini-VGA port (a standard VGA adapter is included). One low point: The plastic cover protecting the USB and VGA ports feels a bit flimsy, like it might snap off after a few months of regular use.
A four-in-one memory card reader sits along the front of the unit, and on the right you'll find a second USB port next to a covered SIM card slot. There's also a "user-mode" switch that lets you switch from the default setup to hack-ready, giving you access to tinker with the system, if you're the adventurous type. There is no Ethernet port; this is a wireless-only machine.отбеливание зубов дома содой
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